The cultural and creative sectors (CCS) represented around 3.5% of all products and services made in the EU and employed 3% of the European workforce before the Pandemic.
However, the CCS are among the most severely impacted at this time. According to preliminary estimates by Eurostat, the COVID-19 crisis may affect about 7.3 million cultural and creative jobs across the EU. The crisis is testing the EU’s citizens’ capacity to think and act in unconventional and innovative ways in order to respond to these unprecedented circumstances. That is why there are needs to stimulate European awareness of innovative solutions undertaken during the COVID-19 in CCS as well as empower and train people to be successful innovators in CCS and this is the main aim of the project.
The project partnership concentrates on the development of five important competences needed to develop learners’ capacity to think and act innovatively in CCS: three basic and two specific. Basic competences in accordance with the European Reference Framework for Key Competences are:
- culture awareness and expression’
- entrepreneurship,
- digital.

The specific competences:
- understanding of main components of innovations in CCS,
- realising your innovative ideas in CCS.
The project develops the flipped studio “Successful Innovator” to create learners’ awareness about innovation solutions in the CCS during COVID-19, deepen knowledge on five competences and coherent to them skills, and finally, empower learners to become successful innovators in CCS and to be integrated to the society by getting employed, self-employed or become the volunteers in CCS. Thus, the project contributes to the recovery resilience of the cultural and creative sectors.

Project’s target groups
The objectives
Intellectual outputs
- Adult learners willing to develop their sense of innovation in order to get employed, become self-employed or volunteers in the CCS.
- Adult educators who could run successfully flipped studio “Successful Innovator”.
- to set up and provide access for upskilling pathways in the format of flipped studio “Successful Innovator” to enhance skills development and competences that reinforce creativity and innovation in CCS,
- to equip adult learners with the set of innovative solutions in CCS during COVID-19,
- to unveil opportunities that can be sought in a critical context and contribute to the resilience of the cultural and creative sectors,
- to develop an assessment tool to track the progress of adult learners to become the successful innovator in CCS,
- to support adult educators in effective running the flipped studio “Successful Innovator”.
In order to achieve the defined objectives, four intellectual outputs are produced:
For adult learners:
- Set of Innovative solutions in CCS during the COVID-19,
- Flipped studio “Successful innovator”,
- Assessment Tool for recognition of innovator’s in CCS competences.
For adult educators:
- e-Toolkit for adult educators “Modern flipped studio “Successful Innovator in CCS”.
The methodology of the training process in the flipped studio “Successful Innovator” is based on the reversed training and flipped learning adapted to the Pandemic situation. It uses NOOCs (Nano Open Online Courses) and allows to organise online self-learning using flipped classroom methodology. However, for developing the sense of innovation, discussions and reflections in the groups are necessary. It is ensured by workshops facilitated by adult educators, the scenarios for which are developed with the possibility to implement them in online environments, like ZOOM classrooms.
The positive impact of this new upskilling pathway is expected on the participatory approach by increasing learners’ involvement in the training on innovations in CCS. Thus, the project contributes to achieving the benchmark of 15% of learners’ participation in lifelong learning as defined in the European agenda for adult learning.
The impact is expected on the development of innovator’s in CCS competences and skills: 85% of learners increase their competences for at least 40% after finalising the training course, and the measure of this impact is ensured by the assessment tool. At least 60% of learners show their capacity to start the innovative actions in CCS and express it by using mind-map ”What does innovation in CCS mean for me”. Thus, the impact is on making actions for inclusion to the society through creativity and the arts by starting their activities in CCS in different ways: finding employment, creating their own business or becoming volunteers in organisation of CCS. It contributes to the better integration of this target group to the labour market and society and the achievement of ET 2020 benchmark of increasing the employment rate by 75%.